About the Foundation

Board of Advisors

The Advisory Board advises and supports the Foundation Board in strategic matters.

Sabine Döbeli

Member of the Advisory Board

Focus points: Sustainable finance, sustainable investments, sustainability management, sustainability research.

Masters degree in Environmental Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich.
Post-graduate degree in Business Administration and Marketing from the University of Basel.

Sabine Döbeli has worked in the field of sustainable finance for over 20 years in different roles. She is the CEO of Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF), that was established under her lead with the objective of making Switzerland a leading voice and actor in sustainable finance. Previously, she worked in two Swiss banks in the fields of sustainability research, sustainability management and sustainable investments.

Sigrid Lüber

Member of the Advisory Board

Focus points: Ocean and sea animal protection, underwater noise pollution, marine policy, governance in international bodies, CSO participation, science-policy interface, wildlife and environmental protection in general.

Sigrid Lüber acquired her knowledge of the oceans and the legal foundations of international marine protection autodidactically.

Sigrid Lüber is founder and president of OceanCare, an internationally renowned marine protection organization, which she has built up, shaped in terms of content and focused on policy work since 1989. A generational change took place at OceanCare in 2022. Sigrid remains committed to the organization as president, continues to represent OceanCare, performs governance tasks and supports the team as a mentor.

Sigrid Lüber is co-chair of the Joint Noise Working Group of the UN Agreement ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS/CMS and member of the advisory board of the EU project QuietSeas.

Frank Eyhorn

Member of the Advisory Board

Focus points: Sustainable food systems, international cooperation, rural development, environment and climate change.

Environmental Scientist ETH Zurich. PhD at University of Berne. Further education in development cooperation, international organizations management, mindful leadership.

Director Advisors Services at Helvetas. Previously Executive Director of Biovision Foundation. Member of the review panel of the Solution Oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) program (SDC and Swiss National Science Foundation).

Lukas von Orelli

Member of the Advisory Board

Focus points: Foundation management, sustainable and impact investing, foundation law, promotion of science.

Lawyer (Dr. iur.), attorney at law and economist (lic. rer. pol.), coach.

Managing director of the Velux Foundation, an international foundation promoting science (www.veluxstiftung.ch); board member and former president SwissFoundations (www.swissfoundations.ch), the association of Swiss grant-making foundations; various association and foundation mandates, co-editor of the online commentary on the law on associations and foundations.