Application form

Online form

Please use the form below when applying for funding with the foundation.

We recommend that you start by reading our support and exclusion criteria.

In a first step, the questions in the pre-check give you an impression on the fit of your project and whether you can move on to the application form in step 2.

Additional documents

In addition to a completely filled out application form, the following documents are required in step 3:

  • Detailed budget
  • CVs of major project participants
  • Account details (IBAN number)

To clarify items entered in the application form, applicants are allowed a maximum of 2 pages’ worth of additional project information.

At the end of the application form you will find the data privacy information.

About this online form

You can download a blank copy of the form to review in advance but only an online submission is accepted.

The «Save and continue later» button at the bottom allows you to save the form and change or add to it later. It generates a link which is valid for 30 days after the last save and can be forwarded by e-mail.

A form can be saved multiple times before submitting; the link stays the same.

The link can be shared between people but the form cannot be edited or saved by two people at the same time! Please coordinate within your team to avoid lost work.

After submitting the form, an e-mail is sent to you with a PDF copy of your application.